There are a number of reasons why digital filing systems make for a more cost effective filing system than paper:
Greater security and confidentiality…
Filing cabinets in most companies operate under the idea that employees can access files as they please. Most of the time they will put them back in the right place, but sometimes they’re lost or misfiled.
Big reductions in the cost of searching…
Much of a professional’s time is spent looking for information. When looking for information on paper, that is not as fast as looking for it in digital searchable format. Many paper-based documents also get lost forever and need to be recreated.
With digital document management, however, you can access any information, from anywhere in the world in just a matter of seconds.
Easier, cheaper and faster to share…
Paper-based information is very difficult to share with multiple people without copying the document many times.
With an Electronic Document Management System (EDMS) many people can securely view a document at the same time, add comments and collaborate without the document ever leaving the system or being duplicated.
Frees up valuable floor space to make money…
Many CBD offices are using large areas of their valuable floor space to store paper – space that could be used to generate income for the business.
It could save you significant legal costs…
Many Western countries and industries are now legislated to protect information and make it available on call to authorities. A breach of these laws could cost a business many thousands of dollars.
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